Deep Cuts

In the Beginning

August 6, 2015

I’ve known that I’m taking a round-the-world (RTW) trip for months now. I’ve told my family, my friends, set an end date at my job at the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra. Hell, I even announced it on Facebook (it’s not official until it’s Facebook-official, amiright?). And I knew that I wanted to start a blog to track my adventures, but I’ve continually put off writing my first entry about traveling abroad. I wanted it to be ground-breaking, monumental, a beautifully written piece of modern-day literature that inspired people and perfectly encapsulated my need for such a drastic life move. You know, pretty average expectations. But this need for perfection didn’t motivate me – it crippled me. And I kept putting it off.

There are some serious life parallels going on here, folks. This same need for perfection in my life has had a similar crippling effect. Fearful that this or that (or God-forbid, me) wouldn’t be perfect, I did nothing. Traveling abroad, for example, is something I’ve wanted in my heart for years. But I sabotaged myself, stamping out excitement and hopefulness with questions and doubt. “No one really does that, everyone will think you’re crazy. You’ll ruin your chance at a successful career. You don’t have the money, it’s unsafe, you’re too young/old” blah blah blah and on and on. But, for reasons I’ll touch on in posts to come, I finally made up my mind to embrace the life and opportunities that God has blessed me with. I’m sure things will NOT go perfectly this next year, but that won’t keep me from doing it.

So, in the name of forward motion, my “perfect first post” is being reduced to bullet points (which is actually quite appropriate, because there are few things I love more than numbered lists):

  1. What: I’m quitting my life as I’ve known it for the past 30 years in Indiana to travel the world.
  2. Where: Everywhere! Ok, that’s pretty broad. I plan to start in Portugal, then to Spain to meet up with my family for two weeks. Then on to Southeast Asia for the first part of the winter (Bali for my birthday? Yes. Thank you, life.). After that I hope to continue around to South America (countries still TBD), eventually making my way up to Costa Rica in March for another check in with my family and some time at my home-away-from-home in Guanacaste. From there, it’s back to Europe to bum around the Adriatic for the summer (namely Montenegro, Croatia and Slovenia). But I’m staying pretty liquid – planning for spontaneity!
  3. Who: I’m ridin’ solo, but can’t wait to see who I meet.
  4. How: “So, um, I hope you don’t mind my asking, but…” I get this a lot and it’s a fair question. I’m using the money that I’ve saved for a downpayment on a house for this year. Because fuck it – I don’t need a house yet. Specifics about money, budgeting, etc. to come in a future post for all you enquiring minds.
  5. Why: I’ve given every clique answer in the book. “It’s now or never. I want to travel when I’m young and healthy. It just felt like the right time. There are no guarantees in life or about your future.” And cliche though they may be, it’s all true. But here’s really why: I want to feel wild, free and alive.

I’ll be posting about my planning, packing, goodbyes, etc., and then, in T-minus 42 days Downtown Marge of Indianapolis (as my friends know me) will become Miss Marge at Large, citizen of the world! I hope you come along for the wild ride.

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  • Reply Mike Vincz September 17, 2015 at 10:42 am

    I’m using the money that I’ve saved for a downpayment on a house for this year. Because fuck it – I don’t need a house yet.

    This had me laughing out loud as I read it laying in bed just now. Made me think about my travels and knowing the comforts of home and how over the next year you will be experiencing many new beds and sleeping in places unknown. It’s exciting as a traveler heading off for designations unknown. I can’t even imagine how I’d feel knowing or not knowing what laid ahead in the next year or where it would lead me. It takes a shit load(that’s a measurement right, we’re from Indiana) of courage and a whole lot of spirit. Which from reading this and knowing what your about to embark on is simply AMAZING!! I can’t wait to read about your adventures. Stay safe and enjoy the ride. Ps you better learn to surf! ?

    • Reply Miss Marge @ Large September 17, 2015 at 7:11 pm

      Mike – first off, you’re correct. “Shit load” is def a measurement in Indiana, haha. Thanks for your kind words, encouragement and excitement for me. And I’m heading to South East Asia for the second leg of my trip, starting in Bali – so learning to surf (or at least attempting to) is in the plans. I let you know how miserably I fail 😉

  • Reply Dean September 17, 2015 at 4:33 pm

    Girl. This entry was everything you hoped and wanted it to be. Absolutely perfect, inspiring, so you, and beautifully written. And yeah…. I agree with Mike, that had me laughing as well. I could totally hear and see you saying that as I read it. Safe travels to you and keep these posts coming. It will definitely be the highlight of my weeks. xoxo

    • Reply Miss Marge @ Large September 17, 2015 at 7:12 pm

      Thanks Dean! More posts to come soon – working on some now as I sit in the Boston airport, waiting on my next flight to Lisbon!

  • Reply Kait September 18, 2015 at 12:43 am

    “Because fuck it..” That’s hysterical and awesome and one of the main responses I have for many things in life, up to and including quitting my career and moving to Hawaii with my husband. You go girl! Can’t wait to follow along!

  • Reply Carly Hepler September 18, 2015 at 11:05 am

    Yes. Everything about this ❤️

    • Reply margarethenney September 20, 2015 at 5:46 pm

      Thanks Carly! Feels a bit weird to be pouring my heart out in a public forum, but hey I don’t have time for a PC blog AND a journal 😉

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