Morocco Music

What I’m Listening To: Vol. 3

October 11, 2015

After my adventures in Morocco I’ve finally been able to expand my musical library. On our trip to the desert we drove and drove and DROVE through Morocco. Our selection of music was limited. And by limited I mean our driver flipped the staticy radio between Arabic music that had me begging for mercy and Top 40 American music for three God-forsaken days. I never thought I would say this, but THANK GOD for Justin Bieber.

However, he did have one CD that was a helluva find. We listened to it winding through the Atlas Mountains and – most magical of all – as we approached the boarder of Morocco and Algeria and got our first glimpse of the Sahara Desert. Do I know what they’re saying? No. But it was so utterly appropriate that I instantly fell in love. This is one of the few tracks that has some English in it.

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