Indonesia Music

What I’m Listening To: Vol. 4

October 30, 2015

I used to get annoyed when people compare me and my trip to Elizabeth Gilbert of Eat, Pray, Love fame. First of all I’m not that old (I’m actually only two years younger then her when she started her year abroad). I also didn’t up and leave a husband behind in America (but I was eager to leave some people – or the memory of some people – behind). But over the past month and a half, I’ve seen that there are some undeniable similarities. Like Elizabeth, I started my journey in Europe and indulged in every whim. Now on my way to Bali (like her), I find myself in search of health and balance. Although a very round-about similarity, I can’t stop listening to Poolside’s remake of Neil Young’s Harvest Moon (on the Eat, Pray, Love movie soundtrack). So there you have it. I’m basic and basically Elizabeth Gilbert.

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