Deep Cuts

It’s All About Timing

December 1, 2015

“It’s All About Timing.”

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard this from my parents. And they’re right. But timing has never really been a strength of mine. Growing up I always felt like an old soul. I’ve had a long-term love affair with turtlenecks, the music of Steely Dan and fantasized about hosting dinner parties. Now, as a woman in my thirties, I find I identify more with people 10-5 years younger than me. I crave travel, excitement, freedom, I LIVE for crop tops and have been dabbling with the idea of piercing my nose (but why draw more attention to it?). The timing of my life and how/when things fall into place has never been in synch with what people might consider the norm.

This used to really get to me – and sometimes still does. From time to time I feel like I’m “behind,” forgotten, or going about things in reserve (i.e. traveling the world when I “should” be settling down). But, like my parents, I believe that it’s all about timing and that there’s a reason for everything. Does my back hurt me sometimes after a long day of walking with my pack? For sure. Am I the only one in the hostel who sprints to the dance floor when I hear Return of the Mack? Obviously (all praise be to Mark Morrison’s masterpiece). And even though I may be Benjamin Button-ing this life of mine, I trust that I’m exactly where (and when) I’m meant to be. Just the “why” is still up in the air…

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  • Reply Char Lucas December 1, 2015 at 10:38 am

    When you were in my class, your “old soul” taught me what a snood was. I had never heard of this before you walked into the class with it holding your hair back. I think this came shortly after you told me one day, “Mrs. Lucas, I just can’t do a thing with my hair”. I also think this was in first grade. An old soul in such a young person. I do have such fond memories of you. So glad that we were able to reconnect.

  • Reply Jessica December 1, 2015 at 2:32 pm

    So I’ve learned over the last couple of years that “should do” and “supposed to be” don’t ever really reflect anyone’s life. And if the “why” is simply because “I want to” then that’s the BEST reason in the world (as long as you aren’t hurting anyone). Love you 🙂

  • Reply aunt geri December 2, 2015 at 12:26 am

    margo, what are the buildings behind you?

    • Reply margarethenney December 7, 2015 at 9:49 am

      They’re the Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur! They’re especially pretty at night.

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